Recently, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed Senate Bill 262 and Senate Bill 264 into law. These new laws grant Floridians greater control over their personal data and establish a new standard for data handling and protection. Senate Bills 262 and 264 take effect on July 1, 2023.
A post on the Health Law Advisor blog will be of interest to many of our readers: "HHS Office for Civil Rights Bulletin on Civil Rights Issues During the COVID-19 Crisis," by attorneys of Epstein Becker Green.
Following is an excerpt:
The Office for Civil Rights (“OCR”) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) issued a bulletin on March 28, 2020 to remind entities covered by federal civil rights statutes of their continued obligation to prohibit ...
This Employment Law This Week® Monthly Rundown discusses the most important developments for employers in July 2019. Both the video and the extended audio podcast are now available.
This episode includes:
- State Legislation Heats Up
- NLRB Overturns Another Long-Standing Precedent
- SCOTUS October Term 2018 Wraps Up
- Tip of the Week: How inclusion and trust can increase innovation in the workplace
See below to watch the full episode - click here for story details, the video, and the extended audio podcast.
Stay tuned: Sign-up for email notifications and subscribe to the ...
As requested by Congress as part of an appropriations bill signed into law late last year, this month, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released a report highlighting its e-health and telemedicine efforts. The report makes for interesting reading, and while there are no significant surprises in the report, it offers a clear snapshot of some of the agency’s thinking regarding virtual care.
The first thing I noted in the report is the agency’s view that “telehealth holds promise as a means of increasing access to care and improving health outcomes.” This is ...
In February 2012, two years after the passage of the Affordable Care Act ("ACA"), the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services ("CMS") issued a proposed rule, which was subject to significant public comment, concerning reporting and returning certain Medicare overpayments ("Proposed Rule"). On February 12, 2016, four years from the issuance of the Proposed Rule (and six years after passage of the ACA), CMS issued the final rule, which becomes effective on March 14, 2016 ("A and B Final Rule").
The A and B Final Rule applies only to providers and suppliers under Medicare Parts A and B ...
2016 is poised to be a major year in network adequacy developments across public and private insurance markets. Changes are ahead in the Medicare and Medicaid managed care programs, the Exchange markets and the state-regulated group and individual markets, including state-run Exchanges. The developing standards and enforcement will vary significantly across these markets.
Through 2014 and 2015, major news stories discussed concerns over the growing use of narrow provider networks by issuers on the Affordable Care Act's insurance exchanges ("Exchanges"). Others reported on ...
When: Thursday, October 15, 2015 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Where: New York Hilton Midtown, 1335 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10019
This year, Epstein Becker Green’s Annual Workforce Management Briefing focuses on the latest developments that impact employers nationwide, featuring senior officials from the U.S. Department of Labor and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. We will also take a close look at the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act and its growing impact on the workplace.
In addition, we are excited to welcome our keynote speaker ...
Epstein Becker Green's Lynn Shapiro Snyder, Senior Member of the Firm, and Tanya Vanderbilt Cramer, Of Counsel, will present "Accountable Care Organizations and Other Provider Risk Sharing Arrangements — a Legal and Regulatory Overview," a webinar hosted by Bloomberg BNA.
While the federal government has encouraged the growth of accountable care organizations (ACOs) through the Affordable Care Act, the regulation of ACOs and other provider risk sharing arrangements remains a patchwork of federal and state requirements that span many different areas of law. This ...
By Arthur J. Fried, Patricia M. Wagner, Adam C. Solander, Evan Nagler, and Jonathan Hoerner
On September 2, 2015, the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services ("HHS") announced a $750,000 settlement with Cancer Care Group, P.C. ("CCG"), a radiation oncology practice in Indiana, for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Privacy and Security Rules violations. The alleged violations occurred in 2012, but a subsequent HHS Office for Civil Rights (OCR) investigation led to allegations from OCR that there was a lack of compliance with HIPAA Privacy and ...
Telemental health seems to be emerging, even booming. Also referred to as telebehaviorial health, e-counseling, e-therapy, online therapy, cybercounseling, or online counseling, for purposes of this post, I will define telemental health as the provision of remote mental health care services (usually via an audio/video secure platform) by psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, counselors, and marriage and family therapists. Most services involve assessment, therapy, and/or diagnosis. Over the last few years, I have seen a wider variety of care models—from ...
As many of you know, reimbursement for telehealth services is a mixed bag. On the one hand, private payers generally seem ahead of the curve. Many leading private insurers reimburse for telehealth. Generally these coverage policies provide reimbursement for telehealth services when they involve the use of real-time interactive audio, video, or other electronic media for diagnosis and consultation. Just as significantly, more than half the states and the District of Columbia have passed telehealth parity statutes which require health insurers to provide coverage for services ...
As stakeholders, legislators and policymakers wrestle with the myriad of issues related to the provision of remote health care, clinical and technological advancements continue apace. What was once an industry focused primarily on the provision of primary care through existing remote platforms is morphing into a highly sophisticated brew of clinical and technological innovation. In that regard, several trends have caught my attention. While these trends may not squarely fall within the accepted definitions of “telehealth”, they are worth noting because they raise many ...
On March 24, 2015, the House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee[1] (the "Subcommittee") held a 340B Program hearing with testimony from the Deputy Administrator of Health Resources and Services Administration ("HRSA"), the Director of the Office of Pharmacy Affairs ("OPA") of HRSA,[2] the Director of Health Care of the Government Accountability Office ("GAO"), and Assistant Inspector General of the Office of Evaluation and Inspection of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services ("HHS") Office of Inspector General ("OIG").
The purpose of the ...
My colleagues Frank C. Morris, Jr., Adam C. Solander, and August Emil Huelle co-authored a Health Care and Life Sciences Client Alert concerning the EEOC's proposed amendments to its ADA regulations and it is a topic of interest to many of our readers.
Following is an excerpt:
On April 16, 2015, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ("EEOC") released its highly anticipated proposed regulations (to be published in the Federal Register on April 20, 2015, for notice and comment) setting forth the EEOC's interpretation of the term "voluntary" as to the disability-related ...
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission issued proposed regulations addressing how the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA") applies to corporate wellness programs. Namely, the proposed rule amends the ADA regulations to provide guidance on the extent to which employers may use incentives to encourage employees to participate in wellness programs that include disability-related inquiries and/or medical examinations. The proposed rule will be published in the Federal Register on April 20, 2015. Comments will be due 60 days from the date of publication. The ...
Robert S. Groban, Jr. and the Immigration Law Group of Epstein Becker Green recently issued an alert that will be of interest to healthcare employers.
On February 24, 2015, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a final rule that extends eligibility for employment authorization to certain H-4 dependent spouses of H-1B nonimmigrants who are seeking employment-based lawful permanent resident status. H-4 spouses who fit the eligibility criteria will be able to apply for employment authorization starting on May 26, 2015.
Read the full Client Alert here.
Epstein Becker Green’s slides from the “Eye on Ebola: A Discussion About the Health Regulatory, Risk Management, and Labor and Employment Issues Impacting Health Care Providers” webinar is featured on the American Hospital Association’s Ebola Preparedness Resources - click here.
The November 17 webinar addressed the professional and business challenges encountered by health care providers dealing with Ebola and other infectious diseases, and featured 4 fantastic speakers.
- Bruno Petinaux, M.D., Associate Professor, Co-Chief of the Emergency Management Section ...
Health care employers doing business in New York City should take note of a new ordinance Mayor Bill de Blasio signed into law on October 20, 2014 – The Affordable Transit Act.
The Affordable Transit Act (the “Act”) requires employers in New York City with 20 or more full-time employees to offer pre-tax transit benefits to employees. The Act allows employees to use up to $130 in tax free money towards their transit costs, which is the current IRS limit. Full-time employees are defined as employees working an average of 30 hours or more per week.
Penalties for violating the Act are ...
As Ebola has become a worldwide threat, the U.S. Government has provided guidance to prepare numerous agencies and entities that may become involved or affected by Ebola. On November 7, 2013, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) issued guidance to Federal Employee Health Benefit Program (FEHBP) carriers on their responsibilities for handling members who have been exposed to or infected with the Ebola virus. FEHB Program Carrier Letter No. 2014-26 is available at
OPM instructs carriers that special ...
Everyone is talking about Ebola, including the risk of contracting it, treatment for those who do contract it, and protection for those who treat patients who have it. There has been very little discussion, though, about how to pay for the costs of treating Ebola patients, including whether health insurance will cover the treatment and pay the providers.
Most health insurance coverage that complies with the ACA minimum essential coverage standards will cover the costs of medically necessary hospitalization and physician services. However, many of those policies have significant ...
A Nelson Hardiman and Epstein Becker Green Webinar Series
The post-acute spectrum of care is going through a period of profound legal changes, from newly emerging risks to integration with acute care and the transition to managed care. This series features leading attorneys sharing insights into compliance challenges and strategies. Join us for this series and stay ahead of the latest regulatory updates in long-term care.
* * * * * *
A Complimentary Two-Part Webinar on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Health Care Entities and the ADA: Part I - Complex Issues in the Reasonable ...
A Nelson Hardiman and Epstein Becker Green Webinar Series
The post-acute spectrum of care is going through a period of profound legal changes, from newly emerging risks to integration with acute care and the transition to managed care. This series features leading attorneys sharing insights into compliance challenges and strategies. Join us for this series and stay ahead of the latest regulatory updates in long-term care.
* * * * * *
A Complimentary Two-Part Webinar on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Health Care Entities and the ADA: Part I - Complex Issues in the Reasonable ...
The Controversy - 2012 Rulemaking Attempts
Roughly two years ago, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services of the Department of Health and Human Services ("CMS") published final regulations announcing two controversial rule changes addressing hospital governance. The industry was taken by surprise, to say the least, as neither of these requirements had been in the proposed rule. The changes, promulgated as amendments to the Governing Body Condition of Participation (CoP) included (i) the requirement that a hospital's board include at least one member of ...
By Marshall Jackson and Alaap Shah
If you have tuned into the news over the last few months, you are likely aware that several major corporations—including one of the nation’s largest retail chains—have suffered data breaches. These breaches have affected hundreds of millions of consumers, and in some cases exposed sensitive financial data such as credit card information, as well as personal information including names, mailing addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, usernames and passwords.
There is no doubt that a primary concern raised by these data breaches is risk ...
By: Alaap Shah
Most health care companies are aware of their central repositories of electronic protected health information (“e-PHI”). Unfortunately, e-PHI often leaks out of central repositories and exists in a variety of “hidden” places. This data leakage can create real headaches for health care companies, and can lead to violations of privacy and security laws.
Recently, the Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”), Office for Civil Rights (“OCR”) enforced against a health plan that failed to erase e-PHI from its photocopiers which were sold to a ...
When evaluating the various legal and regulatory hurdles associated with telehealth—such as licensure, reimbursement, and privacy—one hurdle that often goes overlooked is the corporate practice of medicine. Many states have enacted laws which directly or indirectly are viewed as prohibiting the “corporate practice” of medicine. While variations exist among states, the doctrine generally forbids a person or entity, such as a general business corporation, other than a licensed physician, professional corporation (“PC”) or a professional limited liability ...
The rapid development and utilization of remote patient monitoring tools in health care exposes the limitations of state licensure laws that generally require physicians to be licensed in states where their patients are located. These laws are predicated on the physician and patient being in the same jurisdiction. However, when using mobile-devices to actively monitor patients (such as a device sensor with 4G chipset that can directly connect to cellular networks), there is no single geographic anchor or fixed moment in time from which to define the encounter, episode or point of ...
The recent discovery of a security flaw that allows Skype accounts to essentially be hijacked has again raised the issue of the security of web-based platforms—and whether providers can meet their HIPAA obligations when using these communication tools. The issue of Skype and similar platforms and HIPAA compliance is one that I am often asked about. In a previous post, I addressed the issue and concluded that providers who wish to use Skype or similar platforms proceed with great caution. I noted that the use of web-based platforms, especially those that are proprietary, may make it ...
Epstein Becker & Green, P.C. attorneys Jennifer Goodwin, David Matyas, and Deepa Selvam coauthored an article addressing the importance of promoting greater diversity in the health care workforce. Read the article - "Promoting Greater Diversity in the Healthcare Workforce" - in its entirety, as published in the October 2012 issue of AHLA Connections.
Imagine there are two hospitals (or two physician groups). One is highly specialized and has developed a telemedicine program for treating stroke patients; the other is a community hospital or physician practice that would like to take part in this telemedicine program but does not want to pay for the technology needed to virtually connect with the program’s specialists. Can the telemedicine provider buy this technology for the receiving hospital or physician group, or rent it out at a deep discount, without violating the law?
This turns out to be a hard question. Under federal law ...
Dale C. Van Demark
Recent reports suggest the telemedicine industry will grow rapidly and broadly in the next few years. Patient surveys seem to lend support to these suggestions as the surveys suggest that around the world people are ready and able to adopt more telemedicine solutions
At the same time, there is a great deal of uncertainty here in the United States about the future. With the Supreme Court upholding the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, eyes are now turned to the many reforms that appear in the ACA - accountable care and payment reform; health insurance ...
Written By: Adam C. Abrahms
Continuing its effort to “outreach” to non-union employees and educate them on their rights under the National Labor Relations Act, the NLRB has launched a new webpage on Concerted Activity. The NLRB’s announcement of its new webpage made clear the page is designed to inform employees of their rights “even if they are not in a union.”
The webpage, in addition to giving basic descriptions of concerted activities, asserts that “The law we enforce gives employees the right to act together to try to improve their pay and working conditions or fix ...
Epstein Becker Green is proud to announce that it has received the 2012 Chambers USA Award for Excellence in the Healthcare category. The results were announced at an awards dinner held on Thursday, June 7, 2012, in New York. Other firms nominated in the Healthcare category included Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP; Hogan Lovells US LLP; King & Spalding LLP; McDermott Will & Emery LLP; Ober Kaler Grimes & Shriver PC; and Proskauer Rose LLP.
The Chambers USA Awards for Excellence are based on research for the 2012 edition of Chambers USA: America's Leading Lawyers for Business and reflect ...
In 2012, both of Epstein Becker Green's founding practices, Health Care & Life Sciences and Labor & Employment, as well as several individual attorneys, were recognized as leaders in their fields of practice.
Specifically, Jay P. Krupin and Steven Swirsky were recognized in the Labor and Employment Management Relations Category.
Click here to read more about Epstein Becker Green’s recognition by Legal 500 United States
A significant majority of all professional liability coverage available to physicians these days is provided on a "claims-made" basis, with a claim being covered only if (i) the claim arose out of professional services rendered during the term of the professional liability policy, and (ii) notice of the claim is provided by the insured during the term of the policy. (This is in contrast to "occurrence coverage," where a claim is covered if it related to professional services rendered during the term of the policy, regardless of when notice of the claim is provided by the insured.) ...
Under Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”), private health care providers, including clinics, hospitals and doctor’s offices, as places of public accommodation, are required to provide their services to individuals with disabilities in an accessible manner. Specifically, the ADA requires that providers provide individuals with disabilities full and equal access to their health care services and facilities and provide reasonable modifications to policies, practices and procedures when necessary to make health care services fully available to ...
On December 6, 2011, the U.S. Department of Labor (“DOL”) issued a proposed rule on Form M-1 filing requirements, a proposed rule on DOL ex parte cease and desist orders, a notice of proposed form revision to Form M-1 and a notice of proposed form revision to Form 5500 implementing new requirements for multiple employer welfare arrangements (“MEWAs”) under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“PPACA”) (referred to as the “Proposed Rules”). PPACA prohibits false statements or representations of fact about a MEWA’s financial condition ...
A monthly breakfast law briefing and networking series specifically designed for health care and wellness company executives and human resources professionals. This informative series will address labor and employment issues during these challenging times and offer solutions.
For additional information and to register, contact Carla Llarena or by tel: (404) 869-5363.
February 8, 2012
Today's OSHA: What Healthcare Companies and Practices Need to Know
March 14, 2012
It Can Hurt to Ask: TMI in the Digital Age
(Focusing on Social Media & Background Checks)
April 11, 2012
Blog Editors
Recent Updates
- Video: 2025 Outlook - the Department of Health and Human Services Under the Second Trump Administration – Diagnosing Health Care
- The NIH IDC – Where Are We Now
- False Claims Act Exposure in Focus: President Trump Signs Executive Order Targeting DEI Programs
- Proposed Modernization of the HIPAA Security Rules
- In Confirmation Hearings, AG Nominee Pledges to Defend the Constitutionality of the False Claims Act